The most frequently overlooked and regularly discounted aspect as to how we are Divinely Designed to Serve is the truth that God providentially uses our life experiences (both positive and painful) to shape us to serve Him and others. Often our most effective ministry will flow out of our most difficult experience.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Tough Times: Finding Perspective in the Face of Suffering ~ message 3
If you’ve ever had your electrical power go out at night due to a storm, the first thing we look for is a flashlight to help orient us and give us direction. Scripture is like that. When a dark storm comes in our life, God’s Word is a light that can orient us and give us direction in the midst of the storm. In Scripture we have several revealed answers to why? God allows Tough Times in our life. Right click on audio player to download mp3 or to change listening speed