Often when we find ourselves looking adverse circumstances in the face, we tend to become self focused and spiritually near-sighted. Also, the decisions we make, make us. There are lessons for us here!
“God Behind the Seen” – The Book of Ruth ~ Chapter Two
Ever been in a life circumstance where you felt completely at your ‘wits end’? This is a chapter for you. It is interesting how God’s providence is more easily recognized in life’s rear view mirror.
“God Behind the Seen” – The Book of Ruth ~ Chapter Three
Can God bring surprising triumph out of sorrowful tragedy? Yes He can, and yes He does! He is faithful to do that in both your life and mine. Interestingly, this chapter contains one of the most unusual marriage proposal ever!
“God Behind the Seen” – The Book of Ruth ~ Chapter Four
One of the best spiritual goals we can have is to learn to savor the providence of God. The are at least three positive spiritual effects when we do.
Elijah–Ordinary to Extraordinary ~ Message 2 “Wilderness School” 1 Kings 17:1-6
One of the top themes of the Christian life is to expect the unexpected. Periodically, God calls each of us to enroll in “wilderness school”…stretching times of spiritual development. He uses delays and detours to teach us to trust Him. Right click on audio player to download mp3 or to change listening speed
Elijah–Ordinary to Extraordinary ~ Message 3 “Deepening Faith” 1 Kings 17:7-24
God loves us so much He won’t allow us to remain spiritually static. Part of His plan for us is to utilize uncertainties in life to deepen our faith. The ability to endure trials is developed by enduring trials. Some fascinating events happen in this section. Right click on audio player to download mp3 or to change listening speed
Elijah–Ordinary to Extraordinary ~ Message 5 “Losing Perspective” 1 Kings 18:41-46; 19:1-18
One of the encouraging features of Scripture is that it portrays our spiritual heroes honestly. We are able to view both the thrills of their victories and the agonies of their defeats. Elijah is a great example. He presided at a great spiritual victory, but he also struggled with deep discouragement. How should we handle deep discouragement? God has counsel for you and me. Right click on audio player to download mp3 or to change listening speed
Tough Times: Finding Perspective in the Midst of Suffering ~ message 4
Life in the central plains of the US is a world of thunderstorms. When you live here you learn that severe storms can pop up quickly. The same principle is true of Tough Times. Unforeseen adversity might pop up tomorrow, or next month, without warning. When Tough Times hit us full force they can knock the breath out of us–leave us gasping for emotional oxygen. What are some the the resources God has provided for us? Right click on audio player to download mp3 or to change listening speed
Tough Times: Finding Perspective in the Face of Suffering ~ message 3
If you’ve ever had your electrical power go out at night due to a storm, the first thing we look for is a flashlight to help orient us and give us direction. Scripture is like that. When a dark storm comes in our life, God’s Word is a light that can orient us and give us direction in the midst of the storm. In Scripture we have several revealed answers to why? God allows Tough Times in our life. Right click on audio player to download mp3 or to change listening speed
Tough Times: Finding Perspective in the Face of Suffering ~ Message 2
Tough Times have a certain emotional impact to them, don’t they? We can often feel like life is squeezing us…like situations around us are pressing in on us. Frequently we can feel like the circumstances are close to crushing us. Where can encouragement be found? Right click on audio player to download mp3 or to change listening speed