We all find ourselves experiencing different seasons in life. Some are highly pleasant, some are deeply difficult. How are we to navigate the ups and downs of these life seasons?
The View from “Down Under” (Ecclesiastes) – message 4 ~ Solomon’s Grand Experiment (part 2), chapter 2
This is a book that shoots straight about life. Too often people are “experimenting” their way through life–but life’s too short for experimenting!! What delivers lasting fulfillment in life?
The View from “Down Under” (Ecclesiastes) – message 3 ~ Solomon’s Grand Experiment (part 1), 1:12-18
Ecclesiastes is a candid exploration of the backwater regions of life. Yet, it’s NOT the rantings of some grumpy old man–it’s an insightful communique to us, especially for young people!
The View from “Down Under” (Ecclesiastes) – message 2 ~ Shooting Straight on the Realities of Life, 1:3-11
Ecclesiastes has been often viewed as the most puzzling book in the Bible. It is likely the most avoided book in Scripture–it has been called ‘the black sheep’ of the Bible. Yet…
The View from “Down Under” (Ecclesiastes) – message 1 ~ An Introduction, 1:1-2
Life is often unfair and puzzling. It has its share of inconsistencies, uncertainties, and absurdities. Wouldn’t we all appreciate someone tackling Life’s realities head-on? That’s what the Book of Ecclesiastes is all about!