Elijah–Ordinary to Extraordinary ~ Message 5 “Losing Perspective” 1 Kings 18:41-46; 19:1-18

One of the encouraging features of Scripture is that it portrays our spiritual heroes honestly. We are able to view both the thrills of their victories and the agonies of their defeats. Elijah is a great example. He presided at a great spiritual victory, but he also struggled with deep discouragement. How should we handle deep discouragement? God has counsel for you and me. Right click on audio player to download mp3 or to change listening speed

Elijah–Ordinary to Extraordinary ~ Message 6 “Payday is Coming” 1 Kings 21:1-29

Sometime in life every one of us will become aware of injustice. Maybe we ourselves are mistreated or become a victim of a crime. Maybe we observe someone else being on the receiving end of violence, hostility, or grossly unfair actions. The Bible clearly teaches that payday is coming. We see this illustrated for us in 1 Kings 21. At the same time, there is hope for everyone, even those who are initiators of injustice. Right click on audio player to download mp3 or to change listening speed

Elijah–Ordinary to Extraordinary ~ Message 7 “Chariot of Fire” 2 Kings 2:1-14

Most of us have a reasonable awareness that we will not be in this world indefinitely–there will come a day that will be our last. If we knew this was our last week, what would we do differently? How can we choose to live strategically? What is strategic living? What can we learn from both Elijah and Elisha? Right click on audio player to download mp3 or to change listening speed