Isn’t it amazing that God incorporates people like us in His plan to touch the lives of others! We can spiritually learn much from the practical example of Epaphroditus. Right click on audio player to download mp3 or to change listening speed
Spiritual Essentials for a Joy-Full Life ~ #8 “Jesus’ Counter Culture Revolution, pt. 2” – Philippians 2:5-11
Jesus is the ultimate example of personal unselfishness and humility in serving others. We are to display a similar attitude in serving others. This isn’t automatic nor easy, but it is spiritually important! Right click on audio player to download mp3 or to change listening speed
Spiritual Essentials for a Joy-Full Life ~ #7 “Jesus’ Counter Revolution, pt 1” – Philippians 2:1-4
We’re not called to be clones where we all dress, think, and sound alike. We are to prioritize unity, display humility, and practice unselfishness. What does that practically look like in my life? Right click on audio player to download mp3 or to change listening speed