God loves us so much He won’t allow us to remain spiritually static. Part of His plan for us is to utilize uncertainties in life to deepen our faith. The ability to endure trials is developed by enduring trials. Some fascinating events happen in this section. Right click on audio player to download mp3 or to change listening speed
Spiritual Essentials for a Joy-Full Life ~ #17 “Right Choices #2 – Choose Prayer Over Anxiety” – Philippians 4:6-7
Life tends to catapult us into worry. How are we to handle worry and anxiety? The biggest problem with worry is that it accomplishes nothing. Paul’s solution isn’t natural, but it is highly effective. Right click on audio player to download mp3 or to change listening speed
Spiritual Essentials for a Joy-Full Life ~ #3 “Fortifying your Prayers” – Philippians 1:7-11
Let’s go deeper on prayer. How can we authentically and specifically fortify our prayer life? Right click on audio player to download mp3 or to change listening speed
Spiritual Essentials for a Joy-Full Life ~ #2 “A God You Can Count On” – Philippians 1:3-6
What are we to pray about? How are we to pray? Let’s go to prayer school with Paul as our teacher. Right click on audio player to download mp3 or to change listening speed