Often when we find ourselves looking adverse circumstances in the face, we tend to become self focused and spiritually near-sighted. Also, the decisions we make, make us. There are lessons for us here!
“God Behind the Seen” – The Book of Ruth ~ Chapter Two
Ever been in a life circumstance where you felt completely at your ‘wits end’? This is a chapter for you. It is interesting how God’s providence is more easily recognized in life’s rear view mirror.
“God Behind the Seen” – The Book of Ruth ~ Chapter Three
Can God bring surprising triumph out of sorrowful tragedy? Yes He can, and yes He does! He is faithful to do that in both your life and mine. Interestingly, this chapter contains one of the most unusual marriage proposal ever!
“God Behind the Seen” – The Book of Ruth ~ Chapter Four
One of the best spiritual goals we can have is to learn to savor the providence of God. The are at least three positive spiritual effects when we do.
Hope through Hardship: Lessons from the Life of Joseph ~ #8 “God’s Plan Has Purpose”
Does life sometimes puzzle you? Do you wonder if God has any purpose planned as you face hardship, difficulty and disappointment? Joseph experienced 13 years of hardship and God pulls back the curtain and displays His plan. It is truly an amazing event. There are great lessons here for all of us.
Hope through Hardship: Lessons from the Life of Joseph ~ #9 “The Freedom of Forgiveness”
Ever had someone insult you, falsely accuse you, mistreat you, be cruel to you, hurt you? Of course we all have. How does one avoid the spiritual cancer of bitterness and resentment? Today’s message focuses on one of the most emotional and amazing accounts in all of Scripture. God is calling every one of us to the freedom of forgiveness.
Hope through Hardship: Lessons from the Life of Joseph ~ #10 “God’s Amazing Grace”
The overarching principle from the life of Joseph is that God is in control–His providence is active at all times. Our Lord desires for us to rest in His providence whatever the twists and turns and pitfalls of life may be. He is always writing a bigger story. He is graciously at work in our life even when we think He isn’t.
Spiritual Essentials for a Joy-Full Life ~ #4 “Responding Rightly When Life Unravels” – Philippians 1:12-18a
How can we respond rightly when life “unravels” and circumstances sour for us? Paul shares two key points of focus for you and me. Right click on audio player to download mp3 or to change listening speed
Providence–Book of Esther #5: “Remarkable Reversal” ~ Esther 8:1-10:3
Ignorance of providence is the ultimate of all miseries; the highest of blessedness lies in the knowledge of it. Right click on audio player to download mp3 or to change listening speed
Providence–Book of Esther #4: “The Providential Flip” ~ Esther 5:1-7:10
Providence means that the world and our lives are not ruled by chance or fate, but by God. Right click on audio player to download mp3 or to change listening speed