For a Jesus follower, one of our greatest needs is to be re-amazed by the Gospel. Indeed, the Gospel is divinely designed to catalyze a daily attitude of worship; to energize our drive to serve God; to stimulate our desire to share the Gospel with others. Let’s celebrate by looking at one of the five most popular Psalms-Psalm 103.
Unpacking the Gospel ~ Part 3 “Choosing to Embrace the Cross”
What response must a person have to the Gospel? There’s plenty of confusing “Christianese” floating around out there. Let’s allow Jesus and the Scripture speak. Also, how is the Gospel designed to catalyze a daily attitude of worship; to energize our drive to serve God; to stimulate our desire to share the Gospel with others?
Unpacking the Gospel ~ Part 2 “God’s Work at the Cross”
Whether we are aware or not, every one of us is in desperate need of a Rescuer. The reason why is that we face two significant complications that have eternal ramifications. Jesus came to planet Earth to be our Rescuer! Plus, the Gospel is designed to be a regular motivator in our life.
Maintaining Spiritual Traction in a Shifting Culture (2 Timothy) – “Last Days Survival Guide, pt 2, Nourish Our Life and Others with Scripture” 3:14-4:4
Our culture today is increasingly emphasizing physical health, which is usually a good thing. By contrast, few today are concerned about spiritual health. Too many today suffer from biblical malnutrition! Right click on audio player to download mp3 or to change listening speed
Spiritual Essentials for a Joy-Full Life ~ #13 “How Good is Good Enough?” – Philippians 3:1-11
If you walked the streets and asked folks , How does one qualify to go to heaven and be accepted by God?, the #1 answer would be, You have to be good. But, the haunting question is, How good is good enough? Right click on audio player to download mp3 or to change listening speed
Our Great Salvation #6: Safe and Secure from All Alarms
How certain, how sure, how safe, how secure is our salvation? Is it something we can lose? Right click on audio player to download mp3 or to change listening speed
Our Great Salvation #5: Imputation – God the Divine Bookkeeper
The biblical truth of our great salvation has various facets and elements to it. We gain a deeper understanding of salvation when we zoom in for a closer look. In this message we explore the concept of imputation. Right click on audio player to download mp3 or to change listening speed
Our Great Salvation #4: Justification – God the Divine Arbiter
The biblical truth of our great salvation has various facets and elements to it. We gain a deeper understanding of salvation when we zoom in for a closer look. In this message we explore the concept of justification. Right click on audio player to download mp3 or to change listening speed
Our Great Salvation #3: Reconciliation – God the Divine Restorer
The biblical truth of our great salvation has various facets and elements to it. We gain a deeper understanding of salvation when we zoom in for a closer look. In this message we explore the concept of reconciliation. Right click on audio player to download mp3 or to change listening speed
Our Great Salvation #2: Propitiation – God the Divine Provider
The biblical truth of our great salvation has various facets and elements to it. We gain a deeper understanding of salvation when we zoom in for a closer look. In this message we explore the concept of propitiation. Right click on audio player to download mp3 or to change listening speed