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Divinely Designed to Serve, Part 3
Ephesians 2
Bruce A. Hess
I would invite you to take out your Bibles right now and to turn in them, take out the Word of God, turn in it to the book of Ephesians, in the New Testament, and chapter number 2. Maybe you’re using a phone app, we have all our sermons on the Bible app, and you can check out all of the sermon slides there. We are glad that you are here.
As we get started today, I want to remind us that when God creates, He creates unique things. A couple of weeks ago we talked about how He creates snowflakes. We have a couple of pictures on the screen here of real snowflakes. He creates millions and billions of them, and they are very unique.
Another area of uniqueness when God creates—when He creates people—is in the area of fingerprints. We are unique people as God creates us. They tell us there are now about eight billion (with a “b”) people on our planet and each of us have been created unique. No one else has the fingerprints that we have. That is the way that God creates. He creates unique things. That is true of us as followers of Jesus, God has left His fingerprints on us and you are unique. There is no one exactly like you and there never will be anyone exactly like you.
I like the way Max Lucado put it, he said this, “DaVinci painted one Mona Lisa, Beethoven created one Fifth Symphony, and God made one version of you. You’re it! You’re the only you there is. You can do something no one else can do in a fashion no one else can do it. You are more than a coincidence of chromosomes and heredity, more than just an assemblage of somebody else’s lineage. You are uniquely made…” Uniquely, uniquely made.
We are involved, in the month of July, in a series we have entitled “Divinely Designed to Serve.” If you have your Bible open to Ephesians, chapter 2, we want to look at verse 10, which has been our foundational verse for this series. You will notice it says that We are His workmanship. We could translate it, we are His handiwork; we are His masterpiece. By the way, the word that is translated workmanship there, in the original language of the New Testament, is the word “poiema,” (p-o-i-e-m-a). That is what it is telling us, we are His poiema. We get our word in English, poem, from this word in the original language. It is saying that we His special composition.
He goes on to say that we were created in Christ Jesus for a particular purpose and that is for good works; for things that we are to do and to serve, which God prepared beforehand, before we were even born, so that we would walk in them, so that we would live them out. We have been created for good works. We are His poem, His special composition, His handiwork, His masterpiece, and He wants us to walk in the good works that He has created us for.
So, the question that we are asking in this series is, how did God shape me to serve? How did God shape you to serve?
We are using an acrostic, which is the English word S.H.A.P.E., where each letter stands for something. So far, we’ve spent two weeks looking at the idea of spiritual gifts. We have given a definition to the idea of a spiritual gift. We said it is a special Spirit-given ability to serve Christ and others. We pointed out last week that there are differing viewpoints on spiritual gifts. There are differing perspectives about spiritual gifts. There are contrasting views of spiritual gifts. We could spend a lot of time working through all those differences and those contrasting views, but for this series what we have decided to do is to focus on what we call the Nine Consensus Spiritual Gifts. Everybody pretty much agrees on these spiritual gifts. We’ve looked at them:
The gift of leadership
The gift of helpful deeds
The gift of evangelism
The gift of encouragement
The gift of faith
The gift of giving
The gift of mercy
The gift of teaching and
The gift of shepherding
By the way, if you haven’t taken the Spiritual Gifts Indicator Profile, we have those available at They are also out in the hallway, the Gathering Hall, where you have Volunteer Central. You can pick up a hard copy of there.
We shared several fascinating facets about spiritual gifts, but one of the ones that was most interesting to me, that we talked about last week, is that all of these spiritual gifts are designed to be models for other people in the body. They are all designed to be a living illustration for others.
So, we have covered Spiritual Gifts, but we do want to build out our acrostic, so the “S” stands for spiritual gifts. We are moving today to the “H” which stands for Heart Passion. This is the second way we get an indicator of how God has shaped us for ministry, by looking at heart passion.
Today’s plan involves four things we are going to do –
We are going to look at the Core Concept of Heart Passion.
Then, we are going to look at Some Heart Passion Influences, from your life and mine.
We are going to look at Some Passion Revealing Questions.
Then, fourth we are going to look at Some Heart Passion Illustrations.
So, that is the plan. Do you think we ought to work the plan? Let’s do it.
First, we are going to look at the Core Concept of Heart Passion. When we use that word “passion” sometimes certain things pop into our brain. When we are talking about passion, we are not talking about romantic passion. We are not talking about that kind of passion.
Romantic passion can be illegitimate and lustful, but romantic passion can also be very, very appropriate between a husband and a wife. We see that, by the way, in the Song of Solomon in chapter 4, and verse 9, where the husband is speaking to his wife says, “You have made my heart beat faster, my bride; you have made my heart beat faster with a single glance of your eyes.” Now, that is a very legitimate form of romantic passion, but that’s not what we are talking about when we talk about heart passion.
Another idea that might come into our mind when we talk about heart passion, we’re not talking about a crime of passion. A crime of passion is when your emotions get out of control. This is a sinful kind of passion, a crime of passion. That is not what we mean when we talk about heart passion.
What are we talking about? Well, here is what we are saying: Heart Passion is what we care deeply about. Heart passion is what we have a deep burden for. Heart passion is what we have a strong enthusiasm for. Heart passion is what motivates me. It is what touches you and me.
When we are talking about heart passion in how He shapes us, this is what we are talking about. What we care deeply about; what we have a deep burden for; strong enthusiasm for; what motivates us; what touches us. Part of the source of heart passion is how God has wired us. In Psalm 139 it talks about, you remember, how He knit us in our mother’s womb; He embroidered us in our mother’s womb. Part of heart passion comes from how he wired us, even in our mother’s womb.
Then, part of the source of heart passion also comes from how God is at work in us. Part of it is how He wired us, part of it is how He is at work in us. A passage of Scripture we have in reference to that is Philippians, chapter 2, verse 13. I want to look at Philippians, chapter 2, and verse 13 and look at it in several different, four different, translations. I want you to notice something, a little pattern we see in these verses.
First, in the New American Standard Bible, Philippians 2:13 says this, “God is at work in you, both to will and to work (or to accomplish) His good pleasure.”
Now, in the New King James version it says this, “It is God who works in you, both (there’s that word again) to will and to do His good pleasure.”
Notice what it says in the New Living Translation, “God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him.”
Then, in the Holman Christian Standard Bible it is translated this way, “God is working in you, enabling you, both to desire and to work out His good pleasure.”
Did you notice something as we looked at those verses? It tells us that God is energizing us on two levels, He is energizing us on two levels. One is the arena of our will and our desire. And the other level, He is energizing us in the arena of our ability to do His good pleasure. You see how both of those things are there? The arena of our will and our desire, and He is energizing us and in the arena of our ability to do His good pleasure. He is energizing us.
Again, part of the source of heart passion is how God has wired us. Even in our mother’s womb we were developed in a certain way. Part of the source is how God is at work in us in that dual sense of working in our desires and working in our ability to do what He is leading us to do. So, when we talk about heart passion, part of that involves our will and our desire; it includes those things.
Again, heart passion, what do I care deeply about? What do I have a deep burden for? What do I have a strong enthusiasm for? What motivates me? What touches me? Here is what is interesting about heart passion: heart passion is different for different individuals. It just is.
We see that very clearly even in Scripture. For example, Romans 15:20, Paul says this, speaking of himself, “I aspired to preach the gospel (not just anywhere) not where Christ was already named. (I wanted to do it where He hadn’t been named) so that I would not build on another man’s foundation.” He said, this is what I aspired to do. Some of the other translations say, Paul says, it was my ambition to do this, to preach Christ where He had not been named. It was my desire to do this, it was my aim to do this. Do you see the heart passion bleeding out of him here? We see this in Scripture. My ambition, my desire, my aim, I want to be a pioneer when it comes to sharing the gospel.
We see this in Scripture. We see this not only in the New Testament, but we also see this in the Old Testament. In the Old Testament there was an era when they were returning from Babylonian captivity and there are several individuals who pop up and what we find out is, they had different heart passions. We have Nehemiah, whose heart passion was the walls of the city of Jerusalem, I want to see those rebuilt. We have another character by the name of Zerubbabel and his heart passion was for the Temple. He wanted to see the Temple back up and functioning. Then, we have the person of Ezra and Ezra’s heart passion was on the people of Israel and he wanted them to know and understand the Word of God. Three men, different heart passions.
It is important to clarify—I’m not saying that they didn’t care about the other two issues. I’m not saying that Nehemiah had a heart passion for the walls of Jerusalem, but he didn’t give a flip about the Temple or the people of God. I’m not saying that Zerubbabel had a heart passion for the Temple, but the walls and the people didn’t matter to him. I’m not saying that Ezra had a heart passion for the people and them learning the Word of God and he didn’t care about the other two things. I’m not saying that. But I’m saying they each had a distinctive heart passion. Nehemiah said, I want the walls of the city to be rebuilt. Zerubbabel said, I want that Temple back up and functioning. Ezra said, I have this passion for the people of God, the people of Israel, to understand God’s truth.
It is just something we see in the New Testament; we see it in the Old Testament; and we also can see this idea of heart passion, something you care deeply about, have a deep burden for, strong enthusiasm for, we see it just in recent church history.
For example, some of you have heard the name of a man by the name of James Dobson, who was a medical doctor. James Dobson had a heart passion for the family, for parenting and marriages. Because he had a heart passion for that, he left his medical practice and started an organization many of you have heard of called Focus on the Family, which still functions today.
We see it also, for example, someone who had a heart passion, a deep burden for something, in the person of Mother Teresa. You might have heard of Mother Teresa. Her heart passion was the neediest of the needy. Because that was her heart passion, she began a ministry on the streets of India amidst extreme poverty.
So, we can have something that we care deeply about, have a deep burden for, and we have a strong enthusiasm for. One of the heart passions that I have had, and I have, relates to marriage, relates to being a husband and a wife and being parents in the family. Part of that, I believe, is how God wired me from the very beginning. I didn’t fully understand this when I was younger, but from a very, very young age when I would watch a movie that had to do with the theme of family and parents and kids, I was always emotionally moved by it. It just stirred my heart. That has continued up to the very day that we are in.
I don’t know how many of you have ever seen the movie Frequency. The movie came out in 2000, yes, waaaaay back in 2000. If you have not seen the movie Frequency, you’ve got to watch the movie Frequency [a little warning, there are some intense scenes in the movie].
It is a movie about a connection between a father and a son over a three-decade period of time. I’ve watched that movie many, many times. There comes a point in that movie where the father says to his grown son, “I’m still here for you, Chief.” Really, tears start to come into my eyes when I even say that line. I’ve seen the movie multiple times, but when he turns to his son and he says, “I’m still here for you, Chief,” I get a lump in my throat. So, part of this passion for marriage and the family and stuff comes from how God wired me.
Part of it comes also from how God has been at work in me. Now, I went to seminary back in the days when we rode horses, and we took little horse drawn carriages to seminary (Bruce laughs). But when I went to seminary there was a class offered, in fact it was the first such class ever offered in a seminary in the United States. It was an optional course called, The Christian Home. It was taught by a professor by the name of Howard Hendricks. I remember taking that course as an optional course and I’m thinking to myself—this is an optional course??? That’s nuts! This ought to be required for every single seminary student. As you are training potential future pastors, why would they not want to go through a course that highlights what God has to say about marriage; and what He has to say about husbands and wives and parents and children and relating to one another. I thought every single seminary, if I was god of the seminary I would change it where everybody had to take that course. So, it is part of how God was at work in me.
That’s part of the reason why I went on staff on the national speaker team for FamilyLife and I have been doing that for 26 years, because that is part of how God has wired me, so I can go, and we can speak at Weekend to Remember Marriage Getaways. It is just a heart passion that God has given to me.
I think we all know this, but there are just some things—even in ministry life and serving people—there are some things that invigorate us and there are some things that drain us. There are some things that strengthen us emotionally, and some things that weaken us emotionally. When we start talking about heart passion, heart passion when we can serve in the arena of our heart passion, it invigorates us.
When we serve in the area of our heart passion it requires very little external motivation. Even when we expend energy in the arena of our heart passion, it is a ‘good tired.’ When I have an opportunity to speak at a Weekend to Remember and you’re there, you travel there, you speak on Friday, you speak on Saturday, you speak on Sunday, and you get done, expending a lot of energy, but you know what? It’s a good tired, it is a ‘good tired.’
I like the way Jay McSwain put it, he said this, “Heart passion is something that energizes you to the point that simply doing it is your reward.”
So, the first thing we are doing is, we are just looking at this Ccre Concept of Heart Passion. Heart passion is what we care deeply about; what we have a burden for; what motivates us. The second thing we want to do is, look at Some Heart Passion Influences, what influences us in terms of our heart passion. One of them would be our Divine Wiring. We’ve already mentioned this briefly.
I hope most of you know about the Academy Award winning movie, it is a true story, called Chariots of Fire. One of the main characters, in fact the central character of the movie, is a man from Scotland by the name of Eric Liddell. Now, Eric Liddell later went on to be martyred as a missionary in China in a Japanese prison camp. But the movie is about his participating in the Olympics for Scotland. He, some say, is the greatest athlete ever produced by Scotland.
Part of the story is, his sister Jenny becomes worried that he is training hard for the Olympics. What she doesn’t want that to do is to turn his focus from going to the mission field in China. So, she gets very concerned about that and there comes a point in the movie when he has to speak to his sister, because he is going to continue to pursue the Olympics. By the way, he eventually wins the gold medal there. But, at one point in the movie, he very gently puts his arms on her shoulders, and he says this, “Jenny, Jenny, I believe God made me for a purpose (he is speaking of China here) but, when He made me, He also made me fast and when I run, I feel His pleasure.”
That is an interesting statement. You know, what would we say to that? When I __(blank)__ I feel His pleasure. I want you to know because part of my passion is to be able to teach the word of God, I can say this: when I teach the word of God, I feel His pleasure. The same thing is when I have an opportunity to teach on the subject matter of marriage and the family, I feel His pleasure.
So, we have heart passion influences. One is our Divine Wiring. Another influence in our heart passion can be a Life Experience or an Event that we go through. We are going to expand on this more in our series before we are done, but I want to share with you a story that Pastor Tommy Nelson tells about a young woman in his church by the name of Rebekah.
Rebekah went through this incredible rebellion. She got involved with an abusive man and out of marriage they had a child. Now, Rebekah hoped that this abusive guy would become kinder after he became a father, but actually the abuse got worse and worse. One day this abusive man struck Rebekah so severely that he crushed the side of her face and she had to undergo reconstructive surgery to repair the damage. Eventually, like a lot of these guys do, he decided, I’m out of here, I don’t want to be here any more. So, with him being gone and some of the lessons learned, Rebekah decided to return to her walk with the Lord and began to again serve Him with her whole heart.
Tommy Nelson says, I saw her recently when she returned from a mission trip, a mission trip to an orphanage in a Muslim country. He said, when I saw her, she had this most wonderful glow on her face, and I listened as she told me all about her trip. Then, I asked her, Rebekah, what is the passion of your heart? She looked me in the eye and said with conviction, working with abused women. See, part of our influence in our heart passion can be a life experience or an event that we go through.
Many people who attend a Christian camp decide, you know what?—I would like to serve at a Christian camp. Pine Covers [the group of young people present ministering to children at a Christian camp at Wildwood]—how many of you who are here to serve this week went to a Christian camp when you were younger? Let me see your hands up there. The majority of them are up. That very thing happened to my son, Kyle. Kyle went to Sky Ranch as a camper and that life experience, that life event erupted some heart passion in his life. That is why to this very day, he serves with Sky Ranch Camps as the Director of Family Ministries, working with several camps throughout the country. This is what could happen.
Sometimes it is Divine Wiring, sometimes it is a Life Experience or an Event. Sometimes, it can be even just our Age or the Stage of Life we are going through. If you are in college, you probably have a heart passion for your other college students and that is part of what happens when you’re in college. Maybe you are a seasoned married couple who worked through those early difficult years of marriage, and you now have—because you’ve worked through that—a passion for young couples, and you want to help them walk through those difficult stages of life. Sometimes, it is our Age or our Stage of Life.
I remember we had a single mom here at Wildwood and she had a daughter who was on the OU college basketball team. We were talking about this kind of subject matter, and I could suddenly see this little twinkle in her eye, and I said, what would your heart passion to serve God and other people be? Here is what she said to me: she said, you know Bruce, what I would love to do is, I would love to have a house down near campus and I would love to have some of the women’s basketball players living there and some of the other female students from the university. I could just care for them there, and I could mentor them there. These are the influences. You see, it could be our Divine Wiring, it could be a Life Experience/Event, it could be an Age or Stage of Life.
I want to share something with you that I think is true statistically. Some of us, in the past, have expressed our heart passion to somebody else and they squelched it. They stepped on it. Some of us have said, I’ve got this heart passion and they said something like, Oh forget that; that can’t be God’s will, you would enjoy doing that too much. It’s almost like this idea is out there that serving the Lord has to be miserable…you ought to be miserable when you’re serving God. So, some of you have expressed that heart passion—you maybe didn’t even realize you were doing it—but someone just stomped on it a little bit saying, Forget that!
In the 43 years I’ve been here, I’ve had a lot of people in my office and a lot of times people have come into my office and this is what they say to me: I don’t know what God wants me to do. I’m unsure of what God wants me to do. The usual response I give to them is: what do you want to do? You ought to see the look on their face at that point. What do you mean what do I want to do? I don’t know what God wants me to do!
Here is the way I work through this with them: Are you seeking to walk in obedience to Christ in your life? And, they’ll go, yeah. I mean, nobody does that perfectly, but that’s really what I am seeking to do. Then I will say, You are involved in a local church; you are connected to a church of believers and of course they are connected to Wildwood. And then I say, Is it your focus to want to walk by the Spirit every day of your life?
So, if you are seeking to walk—there is a little bit of a precursor here—if you are seeking to walk in obedience; if you are involved in a local church; if you are walking by the Spirit; remember, God is at work in you both to what? To will and to do His good pleasure.See, if we are making a serious effort to walk with Christ, what does God want me to do? Maybe it is what you want to do. It is a unique way to look at all of this.
We have been looking at the Core Concept of Heart Passion. We’ve been looking at Some Heart Passion Influences. The third thing we want to do is, we want to look at Some Passion Revealing Questions. These are just some questions that might help to reveal what our passion might be. So, let’s look at a couple of them, several of them.
What ministry possibilities excite you? By the way, when we go through these passion revealing questions, I want you to think outside of the box a little bit. I want you to think outside of this building. I want you to think ‘off campus’ a little bit, too. We’re not just talking about what goes on in this building during the week. That is a key part of what we do, but I want you to think beyond that.
What ministry possibilities excite you? What issues get your passionate attention? What would you rather do for others more than anything else? These are passion revealing questions. Who do you love being around?
Passion revealing questions. I’ve got more for you. Here are some more: who are you excited to serve? How about this one, what concerns about others preoccupy your mind? The things that go on in your head when you are just pondering things in general.
Here is another passion revealing question: what conversation has the potential to keep you talking till late at night? These are all passion revealing questions.
I’ve got some more, if you ask your friends – what would they say you’re passionate about? That could give you some insight. Here is another one: who do you most want to help or reach? Then, another passion revealing question: what would you desire to do for others if money and time were not an issue? That is a great passion revealing question.
Sometimes, it’s not automatically clear to us, understanding our heart passion can be a little bit of a process. But these passion revealing questions can really, really help.
So, we’ve looked at the Core Concept of Heart Passion. We’ve looked at Some Heart Passion Influences, Some Passion Revealing Questions. The last thing we want to do today, is to look at Some Heart Passion Illustrations. It just can help us to get a concrete feel about all of this. The first heart passion illustration we want to talk about is Groups. For example, maybe your heart passion could be:
Or students
Or the homeless
Or prisoners
Or the disabled
Or the elderly
Or Internationals. We have a lot of Internationals in our community because of the University of Oklahoma.
Maybe it is single parents.
Maybe it is young marrieds.
Maybe it is business men and women.
Maybe it is those who struggle with same sex issues
Or those who struggle with gender identity issues.
Maybe that is an indicator, an illustration of where your heart passion lies.
Let me show you how this works. Just take the gift of teaching. You can have the gift of teaching, but you have a passion for children. Or maybe you have the gift of teaching, and you have a passion for teens. Or maybe you have the gift of teaching, and you have a passion for young couples Or you have the gift of teaching, and you have a passion for the grieving, or you have a passion for troubled youth. See how those two work together? You can have a gift, but maybe your area of heart passion shows you a focus area.
Then, when we talk about heart passion illustrations another illustration can be maybe your heart passion is around Issues.
Maybe the issue of addiction
Or the issue of abortion
Or the issue of politics. We need Christians who have heart passion about that.
Maybe crisis pregnancies
Or homelessness
Or those who have been sexually abused
Or those who have been sexually trafficked
Or maybe the issue of support groups.
One of the newest support groups we have at Wildwood is one for dementia, those who are dealing with family members who have dementia. We have some people who have a heart passion to deal with that issue, so that issue becomes part of the ministry focus that they have.
Heart passion illustrations can also relate to Areas.
Maybe you have a heart passion about repairing and fixing things.
Maybe you have a heart passion about sound and audio excellence.
Maybe you have a heart passion about security and safety.
Maybe your heart passion is more musical. You have an ability to play an instrument well, you sing well, you like to be involved in worship.
Maybe it is in the area of evangelism and outreach that you have a heart passion.
Maybe it is just in the area of cooking and meal preparation. We are very excited about people at Wildwood who have that heart passion, because it affects a lot of people. It is a great way to minister to them.
Again, I would say that identifying your heart passion is a process, okay? It’s not something that immediately comes instantly to you—but as you ponder it, it gets clear. What is the internal compass that God has given to me? Maybe it has to do with how He wired me; but maybe it has to do with how He has been at work in me. Remember that babies learn by doing. You have to get out there and serve, you have to get out there and do some things.
We want to talk a little bit about—as we close our service–some life response that we can have. The first life response we want to talk about deals with the repeating question, we are going over this question every time, repeating it, repeating it, repeating it. The question is, How can I serve and invest in others? That is the question we want you to be wrestling with every week. How can I serve and invest in others?
The first thing we need to do is, we need to Be Active. We need to be trying some things out. You’ll notice that tucked in the seat back in front of you is a Response Card there, an Interest Card, it is yellow. It says there, I want to learn more about serving with – and you can circle any one of eight different areas. Now, we want you to consider, grab one of those, fill it out, put it in one of the pails, the buckets that are outside of the doors as you leave. You’re not signing up for anything by filling this out, you are saying, I am interested potentially in serving in that area. I want more information. I want to learn more. So, the first life response is to Be Active and the way to start getting active would be to fill out one of these cards and put it in the buckets as you leave.
The second life response is to Prayerfully and Creatively Reflect. We don’t do that enough as Americans. We’ve just got to turn off the phone, turn off the TV and to reflect prayerfully and creatively. We are going to give you several things to think about. One would be, how would you fill this out?
- My ministry dream is ___blank___.
- Or I would love for God to use me to ___blank___.
Prayerfully and creatively reflect on those things. I have a couple more for you. I like this question.
- If I could wave a magic wand to make it happen, what would I most like to do for God and others? That’s a pretty revealing question to pray about and to reflect on.
Then, there’s this one, which at my stage of life means something more to me than it ever has:
- At the end of my life, I would like to be able to look back and know that I’ve done ___blank__ to serve God and others.
Great questions to reflect on and to pray over. Men and women, we are Divinely Designed to Serve, and it is a true adventure to lean into this and to see how God wants to use us. We have more to come in our acrostic besides the “S” and the “H.” Which means you have to come back next week. We’re going to actually take two letters at once next week.
Let’s pray together. Father, we just thank You so much for Your Word. We thank You for the truth of it. We thank You that it is alive and is powerful. We thank You that You are teaching us things that we need to know about how You want to use us. We are Divinely Designed to Serve. We are unique; we have a unique contribution to bring to the church, to others, and to serving You. We are grateful for that; we thank You for that. We pray as men and women we would grow in our understanding of how You designed us to serve. There is a plan you have to shape me to serve and to shape every person here to serve. May we get a better grip on that for Your honor and for Your glory and we pray these things in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Questions for Reflection
Divinely Designed to Serve
Heart Passion
1. Most of us are passionate about a particular sports team or type of music. Briefly share about which team or style of music you are passionate about and why.
2. Part of what Bruce said was that there is no one exactly like you. Indeed, you are God’s unique handiwork/masterpiece/His special composition. Why is it we so often struggle to believe that emotionally?
3. Bruce laid out a short summary of what is meant by Heart Passion. Recall and share some of the descriptions that were given of what Heart Passion is.
4. It was stated that there are two sources for our Heart Passion: How God wired us and How God is at work in us. What have you learned about yourself from each of those sources?
5. Reflect, think through, discuss the following questions:
– What ministry possibilities excite you?
– What would you rather do for others more than anything else?
– Who are you most excited to serve?
– What would you desire to do for others if $$$ or time were not an issue?
6. Spend some time in the coming days creatively reflecting on (and praying about) filling in the blanks on the statements below:
– My ministry dream is ________.
– I would love for God to use me to ________.
-At the end of my life I’d like to be able to look back and know I’d done _________ for others.
7. Praise the Lord that He has Divinely Designed you to Serve!