On this page, you will find some of the best Christian and other resources on the world wide web. We hope this information is helpful for you and your family.
Bible Study Help
- Bible Gateway Free Bible translations and research http://www.biblegateway.com
- Bible Keyword Search http://www.biblegateway.com/keyword
- Bible Passage Lookup http://www.biblegateway.com/passage
- Bible.org An excellent, theologically solid site for Bible Study http://www.bible.org
- Biblehub.com Mulitple English translations, lexicons, plus interlinear Bible. http://biblehub.com/
- Biblical Words Pronunciation Guide http://netministries.org/bbasics/bbwords.htm
- Biographical Bible Reading Plan (121 Days) http://www.biblegateway.com/resources/readingplans/biographical.php
- Christian Classics Ethereal Library http://www.ccel.org/
- College Bible Study Resources Wildwood’s College Ministry’s Bible Study materials including 11 week studies with participant guides and leader notes http://www.wildwoodchurch.org/resources/wildwoodbiblestudies.htm
- Comprehensive Bible Reading Plan (365 Days) http://www.biblegateway.com/resources/readingplans/comprehensive.php
- Got Bible & Theology Questions? This is a site with solid, Biblical answers http://www.gotquestions.org
- International Christian Library Links to links http://www.iclnet.org
- John MacArthur’s Questions And Answers http://www.biblebb.com/macqa.htm
- John Piper resources God-centered resources from the ministry of John Piper http://www.desiringgod.org
- Leadership U http://www.leaderu.com
- Pastor Ray Stedman’s Sermon Notes https://www.raystedman.org/complete-library
- Our Daily Bread Radio Bible Class http://www.rbc.org
- Search the Bible Search for Scripture by topic/keyword/verse http://www.biblegateway.com
- Survey Bible Reading Plan (61 Days) http://www.biblegateway.com/resources/readingplans/survey.php
- The John MacArthur Study Guide Collection http://www.biblebb.com/macsg.htm
- Tom Constable Notes Incredibly excellent Bible Study notes from Tom Constable http://www.soniclight.com/constable/notes.htm
- What the Bible Says About… Search for topics in the Bible http://wbsa.logos.com
Bible Study Tools
- Bible Dictionaries http://www.biblestudytools.net/Dictionaries/
- Bible Keyword Search http://www.biblegateway.com/keyword
- Bible Passage Lookup http://www.biblegateway.com/passage
- Bible and Theology Articles Easy to search all the articles by topics on bible.org http://bible.org/topics
- Commentaries http://www.biblestudytools.net/Commentaries/
- Concordances http://www.biblestudytools.net/Concordances/
- Greek Lexicon http://www.biblestudytools.net/Lexicons/Greek/?id=1
- Hebrew Lexicon http://www.biblestudytools.com/lexicons/hebrew/
- Hitchcock’s Bible Names http://www.biblestudytools.net/Dictionaries/HitchcockBibleNames/
- Holy Land Photos Holy Land Photos from Greece, Israel, Italy, Jordan and Turkey http://www.holylandphotos.org/page.asp?page_ID=8
- Interlinear Bible http://www.biblestudytools.net/InterlinearBible/
- Blue Letter Bible http://www.blueletterbible.org
- Bible Study Tools, Charts, & Outlines http://www.blueletterbible.org/study/
- Chuck Smith Bible Commentary https://www.blueletterbible.org/commentaries/smith_chuck/
- David Guzik Bible Commentary https://enduringword.com/bible-commentary/
- David Teraska on medical aspects of Jesus’ Crucifixion https://www.blueletterbible.org/Comm/terasaka_david/misc/crucify.cfm
- E-Sword http://www.e-sword.net/
- Matthew Henry Bible Commentary https://www.biblestudytools.com/commentaries/matthew-henry-complete/
- International Standard Bible Encyclopedia https://www.biblestudytools.com/encyclopedias/isbe/
- Jamieson, Fausset, Brown Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the whole Bible http://www.biblestudytools.net/Commentaries/JamiesonFaussetBrown/
- Josephus The Writings of Flavius Josephus https://www.biblestudytools.com/history/flavius-josephus/
- Nave’s Topical Bible http://www.biblestudytools.net/Concordances/NavesTopicalBible/
- Parallel Bible Versions http://www.studylight.org/par/
- PowerPoint Bible Maps https://www.studylight.org/pastoral-resources/bible-map-archive/
- Torrey’s Topical Textbook http://www.biblestudytools.net/Concordances/TorreysTopicalTextbook/
- Treasury of Scripture Knowledge http://bible.crosswalk.com/Concordances/TreasuryofScriptureKnowledge/
- The Unbound Bible Multiple Bible versions, plus you can set up your own parallel version. http://unbound.biola.edu
- Word Pictures Robertson’s Word Pictures of the New Testament (word studies) https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/rwp.html
Christian Books
- Bruce’s favorite Christian book site – searchable by title, author and keyword http://www.christianbook.com
- Scripture Truth http://www.scripturetruth.com
Christian Music
- Air 1 http://www.air1.com/listen/
- K-Love http://www.klove.com/Listen/
Counseling & Relationship Issues
- Troubled With Help & Hope for a variety of Life Issues http://www.troubledwith.com
Creationism –
At Wildwood we believe that God is the Creator of everyone and everything. Colossians 1:16 clearly states that, “For by Him [Jesus] all things were created, both in the heavens and on the earth, visible and invisible . . . all things have been created through Him and for Him.”
I recognize that there are godly believers who are fully committed to the essentials of the faith who view the age of God’s creation differently. Solid believers may disagree over the issue of the age of the earth, but we believe it becomes a victory for our enemy when such an issue becomes highly divisive among the spiritual family.
Children of the King who hold solidly to the person and work of Christ, the inspiration and inerrancy of scripture, and salvation by grace though faith alone should relate to one another in a spirit of grace.
Note: My personal conviction strongly embraces a younger earth view.
- (YOUNG EARTH) Home of the Institute for Creation Research (ICR) former President John D. Morris once served as a Wildwood Elder http://www.icr.org
- (YOUNG EARTH) Answers in Genesis with Ken Ham http://www.answersingenesis.org
- (OLD EARTH) Site featuring the work of Hugh Ross http://www.reasons.org
- (OLD EARTH) Old Earth.org https://www.oldearth.org/
Cultural and Biblical Issues
- American Family Association http://www.afa.net
- Ankerberg Theological Research Institute John Ankerberg articles and more. http://www.ankerberg.com
- Christian Research Institue & Hank Hanegraaff Info on questionable teaching & groups http://www.equip.org
- Citizen Magazine Cultural & family issues from Focus on the Family http://www.citizenlink.com/citizen-magazine/
- Council on Biblical Manhood & Womanhood Gender issues from a biblical perspective http://www.cbmw.org
- Eternal Perspective Ministries Articles on various topics http://www.epm.org/resources/
- Family Research Council Defending Family, Faith and Freedom Issues in our country http://www.frc.org
- Peacemaker Ministries Equipping and assisting Christians and their churches to respond to conflict biblically http://www.hispeace.org/
- Probe Ministries Info on current issues & apologetics from Probe Ministries http://www.probe.org
Devotional Resources
- A plethora of devotional options http://www.gospelcom.net/spiritual_walk/devotionals/
- Devotionals & Reading Plans Great link for devotionals (select a devotional) & reading plans http://www.backtothebible.org/index.php/Bible-Studies-and-Devotions.html
- Free “Daily Bread” online devotionals http://www.rbc.org/odb/
- Walk Thru the Bible Walk Thru the Bible has helpful devotional materials http://www.walkthru.org
Evangelism, Outreach, and Apologetics
- Answers to Tough Questions http://www.rbc.org/bible-study/answers-to-tough-questions/the-bible.aspx
- ChosenPeople.com Help in Sharing the Messiah with Jewish friends http://www.chosenpeople.com
- Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry https://carm.org/
- Christian Apologetics & Jehovah’s Witnesses http://www.carm.org/witnesses.htm
- Come Let Us Reason – Lenny Esposito http://www.comereason.org/contents.asp
- Cults and Related Issues Ed Decker’s Saints Alive in Jesus http://www.saintsalive.com/resource.html
- Do you know what you believe? http://discoveryseries.org/
- Evangelism.net Blogs, articles & podcasts http://evangelism.net
- Evantell & Larry Moyer Sharing the Gospel clearly & simply http://www.evantell.com
- Help in sharing with friends who are Mormons or Jehovah Witnesses http://witforjesus.org
- Know what you believe and why http://www.reasons.org
- Leadership U http://www.leaderu.com
- “Lost Tomb of Jesus” Issue http://www.bible.org/page.php?page_id=4894
- More Detailed Information on the “Lost Tomb of Jesus” http://www.bible.org/page.php?page_id=4891
- Probe Ministries Info on current issues & apologetics http://www.probe.org
- Redeeming the Culture http://redeemingtheculture.org
- Ron Hutchcraft Ron Hutchcraft Ministries is a favorite of Bruce’s http://www.hutchcraft.com/
- Ron Rhodes – Reasoning Thru The Scriptures Articles http://ronrhodes.org/Downloadable.html
- Summit Ministries http://www.summit.org/resources/
Family (Marriage and Parenting)
- Family Matters with Dr. Tim Kimmel Educating, equipping and encouraging families for every age and stage of life http://www.familymatters.net
- Family Research Council http://www.frc.org
- Focus on the Family Features & resources for the entire family http://www.family.org
- The FamilyLife Web Page Bruce is on the speaker team for FamilyLife http://www.familylife.com
- Blended and Step family help with the world’s leading expert on re-marrieds , Ron Deal https://www.familylife.com/familylifeblended/blended-families/
- Home Word, the ministry of Jim Burns Encouraging Parents, Building Families http://www.homeword.com
- The National Center for Fathering http://www.fathers.com
- Successful Stepfamilies http://www.successfulstepfamilies.com/links.php
- Troubled With Help & Hope for a variety of Life Issues http://www.troubledwith.com
- For Moms who wish to budget You’re a working mom & you’d like to work less, or even step up to being a full-time mom, yet – you don’t know how you can do it financially? For ALL moms who wish to budget carefully this is a site with great ideas. http://www.miserlymoms.com
- Christian Financial Concepts http://www.crown.org
- Common Barriers for not giving to the Lord’s work http://www.generousgiving.org/barriers#
- Generous Giving http://www.generousgiving.org
- Financial Peace University with Dave Ramsey http://www.daveramsey.com/fpu/home/
- For Moms who wish to budget You’re a working mom & you’d like to work less, or even step up to being a full-time mom, yet – you don’t know how you can do it financially? For ALL moms who wish to budget carefully this is a site with great ideas. http://www.miserlymoms.com
Fun Links
- Bible Crossword Puzzles Puzzles range from specific themes to general knowledge questions. These Bible crosswords are a great and fun way to learn about the Bible. http://crosswords.christiansunite.com/
- Bible Slide Puzzles The object of slide puzzles is to move the mixed up pieces of a picture one at a time, until the picture looks like the real one. http://kids.christiansunite.com/sliding_puzzles.shtml
- Bible Word Scrambles Puzzles that randomly scramble the letters of a Bible word or phrase. Available in four different categories. http://kids.christiansunite.com/scramble.shtml
- Bible Word Search Games http://kids.christiansunite.com/wordsearch.shtml
- Christian and Family Cartoons Includes daily and weekly cartoons. http://cartoons.christiansunite.com/
- Clean Jokes http://jokes.christiansunite.com/
- Adventures in Odyssey http://www.whitsend.org/
- GodTube Christian version of youtube. http://www.godtube.com
- How Stuff Works Fascinating site unveiling “How Stuff Works”. http://www.howstuffworks.com
- Planet Wisdom This youth site, founded by Mark Matlock, features a lot of interaction for teens with blogs, pop culture, and more. The site is excellent at getting readers to think about the spiritual implications of the world around you esp. in movies, music, TV, etc. http://www.planetwisdom.com
- Veggie Tales Veggie Tales Home Site http://bigidea.com/index.aspx
General Christian Sites
- Best of the Christian Web http://www.botcw.com
- Christian Song Lyrics http://www.higherpraise.com/musicmidi.htm
- Christianity.com Great all-around site with worldwide links http://www.christianity.com
- General Christian Information… http://www.crosswalk.com
- Gospelcom.net Vast site with news, information and features http://www.gospelcom.net
- ICLnet Multiple Christian web links can be found here http://www.iclnet.org
- Latvian Christian Radio (go to site, then click onTo Hear “Treasures for Every Day” (Wildwood’s messages): Scroll to programma [program] Select svetdiena [Sunday] on the far right Scroll down to 21.30 Dargumi katrai dienai [Treasures…] & click. Janis Paukstello is the Latvian voice of the program http://www.lkr.lv
- Love Worth Finding with Adrian Rogers http://www.lwf.org
- Movie Reviews http://christiananswers.net/spotlight/home.html
- OnePlace.com A headquarters for links to a plethora of Bible ministries http://www.oneplace.com
- Planet Wisdom This youth site, founded by Mark Matlock, features a lot of interaction for teens with blogs, pop culture, and more. The site is excellent at getting readers to think about the spiritual implications of the world around you esp. in movies, music, TV, etc. http://www.planetwisdom.com
- Planet Wisdom- Movie Reviews (PG13 and under) This youth site features excellent, well-balanced movie reviews with questions to get you thinking about the spiritual implications on the movies you watch. http://www.planetwisdom.com/movies/
- Pop culture from a spiritual viewpoint http://www.hollywoodjesus.com
- Remnant, the band These very talented artists are from our very own church! http://profile.myspace.com/remnant
- The Berean Call Dave Hunt’s & T.A. McMahon’s Website http://www.thebereancall.org
- The Cyber Hymnal http://www.cyberhymnal.org
- The Da Vinci Code The best web source for resources in response to The Da Vinci Code (both the novel & the movie). http://jesusanddavinci.com
- Troubled With A Focus on the Family Website – Help with various life issues http://www.troubledwith.com
- TV & Movie Reviews http://www.pluggedinonline.com
- Various Articles by Leading Christian Writers This site houses thousands of free online messages, Christian articles, poems, letters and other spiritual writings from many preachers, past and present. Most materials are in the public domain and can be freely copied and printed. http://articles.christiansunite.com/
- World Magazine & News Links http://www.worldmag.com
General Stuff of Interest
- Find Cheap Gas Prices in Oklahoma http://www.oklahomacitygasprices.com/Norman/index.aspx
- Bartleby.com English Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia http://www.bartleby.com/62
- Encarta Dictionary http://encarta.msn.com/encnet/features/dictionary/dictionaryhome.aspx
- Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Medical Dictionary in English & Spanish http://www.m-w.com
- Search Biographies Biographical dictionary http://www.s9.com/search
- TimeandDate.com need a calendar or want to check the time? http://www.timeanddate.com
- Troubled With A Focus on the Family Website – Help with various life issues http://www.troubledwith.com
Gospel Tracts and Materials
- Literature Ministries International Booklets, tracts, plus more http://www.gospel.com/topics/tracts
- Evantell & Larry Moyer Excellent help & training from Evantell & Larry Moyer http://www.evantell.com
Help for the Battle with Internet Pornography and General Sexual Issues
- Blazing Grace Practical help from one who has been there, yet found a lifestyle of victory http://www.blazinggrace.org
- CovenantEyes.com Web accountability information. http://www.covenanteyes.com
- Desert Stream Ministries Ministering the Life of Jesus to the sexually and relationally broken http://www.desertstream.org
- purelifeministries.org Offers both residential live-in and at-home programs, along with help for wives. http://purelifeministries.org
- SettingCaptivesFree.com Online course and mentor http://settingcaptivesfree.com
- xxxchurch.com Help with the internet plus a web accountability program. http://www.xxxchurch.com
- L.I.F.E Ministries (Living in Freedom Everyday) Sexual Addiction Assistance http://www.freedomeveryday.org
Homosexuality Help
- Video Testimonies–Men https://www.firststone.org/freedom-from-homosexuality-videos1
- Video Testimonies–Women https://www.firststone.org/freedom-from-lesbianism-videos1
- Exodus Global Alliance Worldwide Help http://www.exodusglobalalliance.org/index.php
- First Stone Ministries First Stone is headquartered in OKC http://www.firststone.org
- Living Hope Ministries More grace & help http://www.livehope.org
- One by One More grace & help http://oneby1.org
- Pure Intimacy Recovering the heart of sexuality http://oneby1.org
- Desert Stream Ministries More grace & help http://desertstream.org
Latvian Christian Radio
- Latvian Christian Radio , go to site then click on RadioTo Hear “Treasures for Every Day” (Wildwood’s messages): Scroll to programma [program] Select svetdiena [Sunday] on the far right Scroll down to 21.30 Dargumi katrai dienai [Treasures…] & click. Janis Paukstello is the Latvian voice of the program. http://www.lkr.lv
- Monthly Journal Tiksanas To view the monthly Journal Tiksanas [Rendevous] where Bruce has had a bible teaching article each month…go to www.lkr.lv, then click on Tiksanas. On the left column scroll to “Bruss A. Hess” and click on the name. http://www.tiksanas.lv
Links to Other Web Links…
- ChristianAnswers.Net http://www.christiananswers.net/directry.html
- ServeHim.com – The Christian Start Page 200 Top Christian Web Sites on One Page http://servehim.com
News & Events Today
- Christian Monitor Daily monitors Christian persecution around the world http://www.christianmonitor.org
- Voice of the Martyrs Servants of the persecuted church http://www.persecution.com
- WorldNetDaily A Free Press for a Free People http://www.worldnetdaily.com
- WORLD Magazine Today’s News, Christian Views http://www.worldmag.com
Online Bible Translations
- Heartlight’s Search God’s Word http://www.searchgodsword.org
- Biblegateway http://www.biblegateway.com
- Crosswalk http://bible.crosswalk.com
- Study Light.org http://www.studylight.org
- The Unbound Bible Multiple Bible versions, plus you can set up your own parallel version. http://unbound.biola.edu
- Eden Clinic Eden Clinic is a professional and confidential medical clinic located in Norman, Oklahoma and offers free medical confirmations of pregnancy, complimentary ultrasounds, and confidential counseling regarding adoption, abortion, parenting & the morning after pill. http://edenclinic.tv
- Rebecca Kiessling Product of rape, Pro-Life Speaker, Author, Attorney http://www.rebeccakiessling.com
- Feminists for Life of America http://www.feministsforlife.org
- Feminists for Life of New York City http://www.fflny.org
Solid Organizations
- Serious Faith.com The Teaching Ministry of Brent Riggs (a friend) http://www.seriousfaith.com
- Awana For more information about Awana… http://www.awana.org
- Awana – Leader Resources Training to help Awana Leaders, Pastors & Other Workers https://www.awana.org/leadershipdevelopment/
- Dallas Theological Seminary Bruce graduated from there http://www.dts.edu
- Eternal Perspective Ministries Teaching Ministry of Randy Alcorn http://epm.org
- Grace to You Teaching Ministry of John MacArthur https://www.gty.org/
- Group Youth Ministry http://youthministry.com
- Insight for Living http://www.insight.org
- Master Media International Ministry to media leaders and influencers https://mastermedia.com
- Moody Bible Institute http://www.moody.edu
- Spiritual Gold The Teaching Ministry of Dr. Richard L. Strauss http://www.spiritualgold.org
- The Navigators https://www.navigators.org/
Theology Articles & Questions
- Eternal Perspective Ministries Theology articles by Randy Alcorn http://www.epm.org/resources-doctrine_theology.html
- NavPress.com http://www.navpress.com
- Got Bible & Theology Questions? This is a site with solid, Biblical answers http://www.gotquestions.org
- Bible & Theology questions answered on a kids level http://www.gqkidz.org
Urban Legends and Internet Myths
- Urban Legends Excellent secular site addressing internet hoaxes (parental caution of some material) http://www.urbanlegends.about.com
- Truth or Fiction Another site to help with internet and email rumors. http://www.truthorfiction.com
- Urban Legends and Internet Myths http://www.snopes.com
Web Based Bible Teaching
- OnePlace.com http://www.oneplace.com
Youth Ministry
- Youth Specialties Great resources at Youth Specialties. http://www.youthspecialties.com
- Group Youth Ministry http://youthministry.com