Life has built-in frustrations and disappointments. Solomon delivers a frank assessment of some of them
Audio Messages
The View from “Down Under” (Ecclesiastes) – Message 7 ~ Real Life Red Alerts, 5:1-20
Warnings are very important and very helpful. When we heed them, they protect us from harmful consequences. Solomon delivers three key warnings about everyday life. Don't miss these helpful insights.
The Bible and Your Conscience, part 4 – How to Cultivate a Clear Conscience
Here's prayer that is not often uttered in many church settings: Pray for us...that we have a clear conscience, desiring to act honorably in all things (Hebrews 13:18). How can we practically cultivate a clear conscience?? Scripture gives us at least five ways.
The Bible and Your Conscience, part 3 – Your Conscience and Other Believers
No two believers have consciences that are exactly the same...each of us has a unique conscience on some level. We are all in different stages of calibration. How are we to relate to one another? Often we tend to assume the other guy is flawed and wrong, which frequently leads to conflict and judgmentalism. What are we to do? How should we relate to one another?
The Bible and Your Conscience, part 2 – Some Anatomy of Our Conscience
Let's take a deeper dive into understanding more elements of our conscience. One truth is that the Holy Spirit is NOT our conscience. Rather, the Holy Spirit works in conjunction with, in tandem with, our conscience.
The Bible and Your Conscience, part 1 – Introduction
The topic of conscience seems to be rarely addressed today. In fact, the concept of conscience may be one of the least understood and most under appreciated principles in Scripture.
The View from “Down Under” (Ecclesiastes) – Message 6 ~ Facing the Dark Side of Life, 3:16 – 4:16
(Note: This audio has some short sections of muffled audio) Life often has a dark side to it. We can experience things like injustice, oppression and despair. Such experiences are FAR more difficult to face when we think we don't need God. Solomon offers all of us important perspective.
The View from “Down Under” (Ecclesiastes) – message 5 ~ Seasons in the Sun, 3:1-15
We all find ourselves experiencing different seasons in life. Some are highly pleasant, some are deeply difficult. How are we to navigate the ups and downs of these life seasons?
The View from “Down Under” (Ecclesiastes) – message 4 ~ Solomon’s Grand Experiment (part 2), chapter 2
This is a book that shoots straight about life. Too often people are "experimenting" their way through life--but life's too short for experimenting!! What delivers lasting fulfillment in life?
The View from “Down Under” (Ecclesiastes) – message 3 ~ Solomon’s Grand Experiment (part 1), 1:12-18
Ecclesiastes is a candid exploration of the backwater regions of life. Yet, it's NOT the rantings of some grumpy old man--it's an insightful communique to us, especially for young people!