The most frequently overlooked and regularly discounted aspect as to how we are Divinely Designed to Serve is the truth that God providentially uses our life experiences (both positive and painful) to shape us to serve Him and others. Often our most effective ministry will flow out of our most difficult experience.
Divinely Designed to Serve
Divinely Designed to Serve ~ Message 4 – Abilities & Personality
What role do our abilities have (in addition to our spiritual gifts) when it comes to serving God and others? How does even our personality fit into how we are Divinely Designed to Serve? There are answers to these questions.
Divinely Designed to Serve ~ Message 3 – Heart Passion
What ministry possibilities excite you? What would you rather do for others more than anything else? Who are you excited to serve? These are ways that God has both wired us and ways He has worked in us that help point to how we are Divinely Designed to Serve.
Divinely Designed to Serve ~ Message 2 – Spiritual Gifts #2
What is a spiritual gift? How do spiritual gifts vary? What are the categories of spiritual gifts? What are the 9 Consensus Gifts and how are they to be defined? What insights are there on identifying spiritual gifts?
Divinely Designed to Serve ~ Message 1 – Intro & Spiritual Gifts #1
When you wake up each day do you awaken with the awareness that you are a divine masterpiece, God's spiritual work of art? Scripture says you are!